Edgware Primary School

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School Events

We are a busy school with whole school events across the year.

Families are invited to our annual Christmas/Winter Fair and our Summer Fair. Parents are also invited to weekly coffee mornings and sign up to  free a range of courses we have on offer with Barnet College, held on the school grounds.

We have weekly class assemblies across the year, parent training sessions and  'Learn Together' sessions. You can find all the dates for these in the parents section of our website.

Children are involved in the Yearly Barnet Music and Dance festivals, Shakespeare Event and many sporting events.

We take part in many charity events - for example Children in Need and we organise a range of speciality weeks across the year which are really enjoyable.      

The children have great opportunities to see London, visit museums and learn new skills. We have many visitors for both parents and children and this enriches everyone's learning. 

Please look at our jam packed newsletters to get an even better picture of our school as well as our Twitter feed.