Edgware Primary School

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Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion

Welcome to the SEND page. Here you can find out more about SEND at Edgware Primary School.

At Edgware we are very inclusive and value all of our children, including those with special education needs. We strive to ensure that all children achieve their full potential. 


We recognise the importance of early identification and we continuously monitor the progress of all our pupils. Our teachers are skilled in providing support for children of all abilities and needs within the classroom, and we also have trained support staff who deliver specialist programmes to individuals and small groups. 

We provide support for children with a wide range of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) including:

  • Speech, language and communication difficulties including autism spectrum conditions.
  • Cognition and Learning; including specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia
  • Social, Emotional or Mental Health difficulties
  • Sensory and /or Physical needs; including visual or hearing needs or a physical difficulty that affects their learning.

Pupils with SEND are identified through a series of measures including tracking and analysis of data, classroom observation, diagnostic testing and through close liaison between class teachers, our SEND Lead and parents. We provide a graduated response (this allows us to learn more about a pupil and what helps them make good progress. The graduated response is made up of 4 areas: 

Our curriculum is taught within a nurturing and supportive environment.

We have Learning mentors and Mental Health First Aiders who support all areas of children’s development, wellbeing and mental health.

When necessary, we work closely with a variety of outside agencies such as Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychology and counselling services to gain advice and resources for our pupils.

It is really important to us that we work closely and in conjunction with parents/carers. 

If you have a child with special needs and would like more information or advice, please contact the school office. 


(Information and guidance for parents and pupils with Special Educational Needs)
School SEND Report 

School's Equality Policy

Accessibility Plan 

Ordinarily Available Document - This guidance document describes the provision that should be ordinarily available in state funded education settings in Barnet. 

Ordinarily Available

Local Offer - Information about services provided by Barnet for children and young people with SEN aged 0-25 

Barnet Local Offer

SEND guide for parents and carers - A guide to the support system for children and young people with special educational needs and disability (SEND).     

SEND: Guide for Parents & Carers

Useful Websites:

https://www.autism.org.uk/ - are the National Autistic Society website, the main UK charity for supporting people with ASD and their families (contains lots of useful advice and resources)
https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/ - a useful website with information about dyslexia, assessment and identification, exam concessions etc.

https://dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk/ - offers information and supports individuals and families affected by developmental dyspraxia through books, suggestions, a teen newsletter, and an adult support group.

https://www.youngminds.org.uk/ - a national charity committed to improving the mental health of all children, advice about depression, eating disorders, and other mental health issues affecting children.
https://www.barnetmencap.org.uk/ - provides a range of services and campaigns with people with learning disabilities and people with autism or Aspergers and their families to secure good services and support in the borough​

https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/ - are the Mental Health Foundation which has on-line information about anxiety, depression, ADHD etc

https://www.barnardos.org.uk/ - are independent supporters of parents and carers who have a child with SEND and can provide advice and support