Edgware Primary School

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Supporting Well-being

At Edgware, we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils, parents and staff.

We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, and therefore someone may need additional emotional support. We do lots in school to develop resilience and have work with a range of organisations to support our pupils and families. We have provided links to good quality information and guidance on mental health and wellbeing. We encourage pupils’ parents and carers with any concerns to get in touch with us. 


Mental Champion Information 

Click here to find out how we have trained Mental Health Champins in our school to support mental health. 

Mental Health Champions 

Information for parents on how the school supports mental health and what you can do at home. 

Mental Health & behaviour

Mental Health- How to support your child at home 

Paiwand - An Afghan Association which supports refugee

Afghan Association Paiwand Ltd | For Refugees in North West London

Mind Ed

MindEd For Families

Safe and reliable advice about young people's mental health, created by experts and parents together 

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service – Barnet (CAMHS)

CAMHS are a multi-disciplinary team of mental health professionals who work closely with other children’s services to support children and young people.

They provide assessment, treatment and support of the mental health, behavioural and emotional well-being needs of children and young people aged from 0-18 years. 


Youth and Community Service

The Youth and Community Service provides a range of programmes and interventions to improve young peoples’ health and well-being. Targeted Youth Workers enable young people to resolve difficulties and re-engage with education, employment, or training. The Programmes Team delivers positive activities during term-time and holiday periods. These include sports, play, creative arts, Duke of Edinburgh and volunteering opportunities. Programmes are designed to develop social and communication skills, reduce isolation and promote emotional resilience. Creative arts programmes are both targeted and open access. Targeted programmes are specifically for young people with learning and/or physical disability. All other activities are open access. Activities are age limited.

Email: elizabeth.sacre@barnet.gov.uk

Telephone: 0208 359 5283


Anxiety UK

Anxiety UK work to relieve and support those living with anxiety and anxiety-based depression by providing information, support and understanding via an extensive range of services, including 1:1 therapy. They can provide support and help if a person has been diagnosed with, or suspect they may have an anxiety condition and can also help them deal with specific phobias such as fear of spiders, blushing, vomiting, being alone, public speaking, heights – in fact, any fear that stops a person from getting on with their life.


Child Bereavement UK

Child Bereavement UK supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement. Every year they train more than 8,000 professionals, helping them to better understand and meet the needs of grieving families.



Childline is a free, private and confidential service for children and young people available online, on the phone, anytime facilitated by trained counsellors. The website is easy to navigate and has many interactive resources, advice and sources of support for children and young people.



Mind provides trusted advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. http://www.mind.org.uk/

NHS Live Well Youth Mental Health

NHS Live Well Youth Mental Health offers resources and signposting for support from external links http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/youth-mental-health/Pages/Youth-mental-health-help.aspx


Samaritans work to ensure that fewer people die by suicide by working to alleviate emotional distress and reduce the incidence of suicide feelings and suicidal behaviour. They offer 24 hours a day emotional support for people who are struggling to cope, including those who have had thoughts of suicide, as well as reaching out to high risk groups and communities to reduce the risk of suicide and working in partnership with other organisations, agencies and experts, influencing public policy and raising awareness of the challenges of reducing suicide.   http://www.samaritans.org/


YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity championing the wellbeing and mental health of young people. They offer resources and bespoke training for schools and support for parents and young people. In addition they have a dedicated section on caring for the wellbeing of teachers and school staff. https://youngminds.org.uk/