Edgware Primary School

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Dear Mrs Jacob,

Thank you for making me so welcome when I visited Edgware Primary School on Wednesday 20th January. I very much wanted to visit your school after finding out that you operate a Behaviour Policy with an emphasis on values, respect and no shouting. This is an approach which I would very much like to implement in our schools in West Berkshire. From our discussion it is obvious that this approach has had an immensely positive impact on the behaviour and emotional well-being of your pupils and to see this philosophy and ethos working in practice was a real pleasure; as we walked around the school every class was busy, engaged and calm, even those moving from one activity to another. I also couldn’t help noticing the very positive relationships you and your staff enjoy with the children – they are obviously thriving on your atmosphere of mutual respect and calm and measured implementation of consequences to inappropriate behaviour , where necessary.

I have returned to West Berkshire enthused and enthusiastic about your approach to behaviour and hope to share your very good practice in our schools.


Penny Trip (West Berkshire Behaviour advisor)